Laura Weddell Laura Weddell

Midlothian Menopause Meet-up!

As you all  know I've just come to the end of my Clinical Reflexology training which I’ve been working with loads of women with peri/menopausal issues. 

I've had idea come into my head that I could offer a group session that would give relief through a mixture of hand Reflexology, Yoga, Pilates and Movement and Breathwork - all of which I'm trained in.  There would be a different theme each month with different strategies and opportunities to come together as a community to provide peer support to each other too. Not solely for those transitioning through menopause but those in perimenopause, and those living with symptoms of hormonal imbalance. 

Before I set anything up, I'm just keen to gauge interest if this is something you'd be interested in. I've had a good response when I posted the idea on a local Facebook group, but I am aware some people are on Facebook or Instagram so thought I'd circulated here.  The group would be held monthly in Midlothian, for anyone to attend.

If you would like to share you ideas please access my survey below:


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Laura Weddell Laura Weddell

New Premises

It’s finally here…

Hello ! 👋

I’m so excited to share with you that my garden studio in Bonnyrigg is up and ready and looking forward to welcoming you soon! But don't worry if you love Roslin (I do too!) I'll still be offering treatments there.

As you may have heard me go ON and ON about my exciting new premises - I am actually all set. There’s been a LOT of changes in my business model lately so I’m taking this opportunity to share all the ways we can work together to prioritise you and get you to your best self (excuse the cliche!).


So, where to start? Well, from August, I will be offering Reflexology from two locations; Roslin and Bonnyrigg.

Roslin will be available Saturday mornings.

Bonnyrigg, a purpose built garden studio for Reflexology where I will be offering appointments weekday evenings and occasional Saturdays.

Bonnyrigg will be suited for those who have previously had treatments with me.

Over the coming weeks I will be detailing via newsletter and social media what all my services are and what benefits you will get from them.

New Offerings

Hand Reflexology

I am now also offering Hand Reflexology which is ideal for those who want to experience the benefits of Reflexology but would prefer a shorter treatment or have an injury to their foot/feet.


For an extra special treatment I am offering a selection of add-ons such as additional time, meditation or visualisation and crystal chakra balance. These can be added to your appointment at the time of booking.


1:1 movement sessions will be offered at Roslin and Bonnyrigg.

Bonnyrigg is available by prior agreement as it is suited to those who have no pet allergies as this is in a purpose built studio in my home.


Finally, as a thank you for signing up, and reading this far I have kept my prices reduced to £30 for full reflexology sessions for those who book until the 19th of August - for any bookings made throughout August.

Hand Reflexology

£30 for 30 minutes (£20 intro price)

Foot Reflexology

£45 for 50 minutes

Four treatment package

£160 (£40 per treatment)

Six treatment package

£225 (£37.50 per treatment)


(can be both movement or reflexology)

Additional time

£10 for 15 minutes

Meditation/ Visualisation

£10 for 10 minutes

Chakra Balance £5

Movement sessions

£50 for 1 hour

Confidence Programme

£225 for six sessions over 2 months (can be a combination of movement and reflexology if preferred)

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Laura Weddell Laura Weddell

6 signs you may be in survival mode

Do you feel emotionally and physically burnt out, unmotivated and irritable (possibly even irrational); snapping for no significant reason, frustrated at the smallest thing and disinterested in socialising or getting out into the world then you could be living in survival mode.

Do you:

  • Find it hard to make decisions? 

  • Feel unmotivated? 

  • Feel irritable and unable to relax or unwind? 

These are just a few symptoms that living from a position of stress can exhibit. 

Physical symptoms of stress can look like:

  • Headaches

  • Fatigue

  • Sleep problems 

Long term stress can also have significant impact on your health such as high blood pressure or weakened immune system. 

Living in frequent, or constant, stress means your body is tuned in to your sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) 

Don’t get me wrong living with a bit of stress can be valuable in short bursts, but long term survival mode can impact your physical and emotional resilience. Most importantly it’s finding out what is an appropriate level of stress for YOU!

How can Reflexology help you?

I know you know that Reflexology can aid relaxation but did you know that one of the advanced techniques I use is to work the vagus nerve reflexes. This involves working the pineal, hypothalamus, pituitary, thymus, solar plexus and adrenal reflexes. Working these reflexes initiates the Parasympathetic Nervous System (rest and digest). 

Just look at the picture attached to see some of the organs that the vagus nerve is connected to!

If this resonates with you then secure your slot today to begin your Reflexology journey 🧡

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Laura Weddell Laura Weddell

Summer Sanity

It's the Summer holidays...who's excited? I LOVE summer, its my favourite season of all. I love the heat, the vibrancy, the ability to get outdoors (most of the time). 

BUT the summer is not always welcomed with opened arms. Long nights result in long lies (fingers crossed), or early sunrise mornings, which impacts routines and sleep patterns. The heat may be a little more than we are used to and cause a bit of a battle with our internal temperature control. And let's not forget the busyness around us, organising holidays, organising activities, can become overwhelming. 

So what can be done to make it possible to enjoy all the things we want to? I don't have all the answers but I do have three tips to get you from being Stressed out Susan (sorry Susans) to Laid Back Lorraine (putting Laura is just too much to live up to)...

1.  Be more Sleeping Beauty, less Princess and the Pea

If possible maintain a regular sleep pattern throughout the summer months. This includes ensuring you get adequate sleep - that you wake feeling rested and aren't feeling tired throughout the day. 

I know if kids are off we want to enjoy the laid back mornings of not rushing about or grabbing a long lie when we can. We can still do this but sticking to a routine so that your sleep pattern doesn't become too disrupted. 

2. Hydration, Hydrate, Hydrate!

It's so important to hydrate in the warmer weather. Not just because of the heat but because we are (possibly) more active. Hydration is imperative to maintain the balance of minerals within your body which keeps our bodies functioning the best way it can and adequate fluid regulates your body temperature which is a big win at this time of year! Also hydration is key to helping your body eliminate those nasty toxins we don't want in our bodies!

Not a fan of water I hear you say, don't worry it's not solely water but fluids. What works for you is how you will keep hydrated. And remember a lot of fruit and veg have high water content which is an added bonus - get those salads and watermelons in your basket!

2. Aaaaaand RELAX 

Relax I hear you laugh - well if your next six weeks are keeping young ones occupied you may. Relaxation isn't all meditating and 'taking time out', it's about doing things that bring you joy and happiness. Relaxing is going to release those beautiful endorphins and who doesn't want some of those. 


Better sleep, optimal hydration and relaxation have many wide-ranging benefits such as an optimised immune system, reduction in stress and improved mood, better brain function (bye bye brain fog), lowered risk of serious health problems...the list goes on!


Reflexes which can provide relief from tension, stress and ensuring positive flow within body - Basically all reflexes but I would pay particular attention to those below to promote relaxation and rebalancing:

Head, Neck, Shoulder, Pituitary, Neck, Adrenals, and Lymphatics...alsoEyes, Nose and Sinuses  (I see you Hayfever sufferers!)

To find out more about how Reflexology can be incorporated into your healing journey drop me an email to find out more. Alternatively book your space to begin, or continue, your journey.

Have a fantastic week and fingers crossed more sunshine is on his way!

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Laura Weddell Laura Weddell

Headaches? Migraines? Reflexology is here to help!

Do you know that there are around 10 million people in the UK who suffer from regular headaches?

Did you know that whilst treatment with over the counter painkillers can provide relief, sometimes lifestyle changes can help ease headaches.

Did you know that, for some headaches, the location of pain can indicate the type of headache.

Types of headaches you may have experienced


Tension headaches are the most common form of headache. Symptoms can include constant ache on both sides of the head, pressure behind eyes, tightening of neck muscles, and pressure in head. Women are more commonly affected by tension headaches than men.


Hormonal headaches are caused by a decrease in Oestrogen before menstruation which can lead to headaches (approximately 2 days prior to menstruation and first couple of days – though this can vary from person to person). Other times hormonal headaches may occur can be during perimenopause, during the pill-free week if on OCP, during the first few weeks of pregnancy; when changes occur in hormone levels.

Keeping a headache diary is useful in identifying patterns; particularly when trying to establish if headaches are hormonal.


Migraines occur in one in five women and one in fifteen men. Migraines are usually moderate to severe in pain and generally associated to one side of the head, though can vary in individuals. While no concrete cause some reasons are believed to include chemical changes in the brain, nerves and blood vessels. Migraines are also known to run in families with half of those experiencing them reporting family members also experiencing migraines.

There are two main types of Migraine; With Aura and Without Aura. With Aura Migraine can have pre-warning neurological symptoms such as flashing lights, blind spots and tunnel vision before head pain begins. Without Aura Migraine has no pre-warning neurological symptoms. Less commonly Migraine can present with no headache and neurological symptoms only. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting and light sensitivity; this list is not exhaustive.


Headaches and migraines can become more severe during perimenopause. In menopause migraines may stop but tension headaches can get worse. HRT can vary in relief dependant on the individual.


Lifestyles changes can help ease symptoms, some of these changes can include:

  • Relaxation 

  • Regular Sleep Pattern

  • Adequate Sleep (ensuring that you wake feeling rested)

  • Reduction in Stress (identify source)

  • Posture

  • Relaxation

  • Regular Movement / Exercise

  • Hydration

  • Regular Meals with small frequent snacks (hormonal headaches mainly)


Reflexology is known to provide relief for headaches and migraines. When preparing a treatment plan I look at you from a holistic point of view, taking into account the causes, triggers and frequency of your headaches or migraines. 

To create a treatment which will provide the most benefit to you I may ask the following questions:

How long have you experienced these headaches/migraines?

How often do they occur?

Do they have a pattern?

What is the severity?

Where is the pain location?

Does anything exacerbate or relieve the pain?

Have you consulted a doctor / been diagnosed by GP?

Reflexes that I will likely work which can provide relief:

Head, neck and shoulder – for relaxation

Pituitary – good for hormone headaches but all with benefit

Neck – good for tension headaches, or all treatments as relieves tension

Head – for relaxation

TMJ and Temporalis – TMJ headaches as well as relaxation and reducing tension

Sinuses – Ease congestion

Eye – Ease tension in eye area

Shoulder – Release tension and provide relaxation

Trapezius – Release tension and provide relaxation

Adrenal – Promotes corticosteroids and oestrogen

Ovary – Good for hormonal headaches as aids rebalance

Cervical and Thoracic Spine - Release tension and provide relaxation

To find out more about how Reflexology can be incorporated into your healing journey drop me an email to find out more. 

Have a fantastic weekend and fingers crossed the sunshine is on his way!

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Laura Weddell Laura Weddell

Clearing the fog

How has your week been? Was it a relief for the weekend to come or just another set of things to navigate?

That’s how life seems to be at the moment - navigating our way through the fog, brain fog in that is! Now brain fog can show up in many ways in life but I’m talking about the BIG TIME challenge that we ladies transitioning through perimenopause or menopause experience.

Imagine you’re taking a lovely walk along the beach, admiring the coastline glimmering in the sunshine, smelling the sea air, you’re lost in a dream of far off holiday destinations, then suddenly you’re jolted back to present day when someone begins to approach you and they’re smiling. You know you know them but you cant remember what their name is or where you know them from!

Then comes that familiar feeling; the heat rising up, the panic, your heart pumping. You know this, why can’t you find their name, why can’t you remember?! The fight or flight is kicking in as you search and search, everything but the actual words looking for!! And then the embarrassment as you feel the tears - desperately trying to hold them back!

Sound familiar? Maybe this has been you, or maybe it’s a similar situation when you’re under pressure at work and you NEED to appear composed and in control.

We’ve lost trust in our brain, our body. We stop doing things we enjoy: socialising, putting ourself forward to promotions, meeting new people, putting ourselves out there. We loose our confidence, we loose ourselves.

What if I told you not to stress about it? You’d laugh! But seriously there are things you can do to help towards alleviating brain fog:

* Reducing stress exposure

* Complementary Therapies

* Being outdoors

* Doing things you LOVE

* Exercise and/or Movement

* Relaxation and Rest

* A balanced diet

* Limiting alcohol and caffeine

I get it, the list is a bit of an undertaking but what about trying one, two maybe even three? Why not prioritise yourself this week and pick something to try. I’d love to hear how you get on…because (without trying to sound like an 90s tv advert) YOU’RE WORTH IT!

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Reflexology, Pilates, Yoga, Movement Laura Weddell Reflexology, Pilates, Yoga, Movement Laura Weddell

Tightening things up…

It all begins with an idea.

Hey how are you? REALLY, how are you?

It’s safe to say that I’ve been absent from blog posts of late, it’s something I am absolutely aware of.


The reason; not wanting to overload you? not wanting to upset you? not wanting to be the extra thing you didn’t read? Or at least that’s what I told myself!


The reality is I genuinely didn’t know what to say.


BUT all those points are true - I don’t want to overwhelm you, but in doing that I’m not giving you what you signed up to. You signed up to be the first to know about how I can help YOU, and how we can work together to support YOU.


So, I am tightening things up.


Tightening up what I offer YOU. Tightening up where YOU can work with me. Tightening up on being there for YOU.


And I’m going to be honest, it feels so good. It feels good to have direction, a goal, a strategy, something to work towards.


Can you remember the last time you set yourself a goal and how excited you felt to be working towards something?


The facts; goals are fantastic but sometimes, a lot of the time, we need some support and encouragement along the way. I know I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for those in my life who encouraged and supported me to keep going (and the occasional reminder to take each day one at a time). Goals and strategy are fantastic as they help us move forward in life, show us growth and improvements, which brings about a positive mindset, EVEN when times feel tough – who doesn’t want some of that!


This can look like many different things to many different people but what it can be is looking after YOU; your mind and your body. The options are endless and I’m not here to overwhelm you with what you could do. But I CAN help you get the best from your body and a feeling ease in your body.


Final thought, and yes, it’s cliché but true: do something today that your 70/80/90 (hell yes 90!) year old body will thank you for!


Take care of yourself and be the amazing human that you are!


Laura x


If you need direction, strategy, a goal, in getting the best out of your body, not just today but investing in longevity for your body then I’d encourage you to book into my confidence programme - I’m positive it’s what you are looking for. Most importantly if you want to regain confidence in your body and gain relief/reduction of symptoms you're experiencing then this is absolutely for you. Book in a zoom/phone call to find out more.


Upcoming things to note



Life doesn’t always have to be go, go, go – do you need to take a minute to pause and breathe? then book yourself in for some rebalance and restorative Reflexology. I have released some extra dates in Roslin throughout June – click here to get up to date availability (ps there may be some Friday availability coming soon!!!).


Pilates is back!!!

Free on a Friday morning? Fancy a nice challenge to kick your weekend off? I’m SO excited to share that I am starting a new Pilates class on Friday mornings in the serene Glencorse Centre, Auchendinny – click here to secure your space

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