Vesta Wellbeing

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Summer Sanity

It's the Summer holidays...who's excited? I LOVE summer, its my favourite season of all. I love the heat, the vibrancy, the ability to get outdoors (most of the time). 

BUT the summer is not always welcomed with opened arms. Long nights result in long lies (fingers crossed), or early sunrise mornings, which impacts routines and sleep patterns. The heat may be a little more than we are used to and cause a bit of a battle with our internal temperature control. And let's not forget the busyness around us, organising holidays, organising activities, can become overwhelming. 

So what can be done to make it possible to enjoy all the things we want to? I don't have all the answers but I do have three tips to get you from being Stressed out Susan (sorry Susans) to Laid Back Lorraine (putting Laura is just too much to live up to)...

1.  Be more Sleeping Beauty, less Princess and the Pea

If possible maintain a regular sleep pattern throughout the summer months. This includes ensuring you get adequate sleep - that you wake feeling rested and aren't feeling tired throughout the day. 

I know if kids are off we want to enjoy the laid back mornings of not rushing about or grabbing a long lie when we can. We can still do this but sticking to a routine so that your sleep pattern doesn't become too disrupted. 

2. Hydration, Hydrate, Hydrate!

It's so important to hydrate in the warmer weather. Not just because of the heat but because we are (possibly) more active. Hydration is imperative to maintain the balance of minerals within your body which keeps our bodies functioning the best way it can and adequate fluid regulates your body temperature which is a big win at this time of year! Also hydration is key to helping your body eliminate those nasty toxins we don't want in our bodies!

Not a fan of water I hear you say, don't worry it's not solely water but fluids. What works for you is how you will keep hydrated. And remember a lot of fruit and veg have high water content which is an added bonus - get those salads and watermelons in your basket!

2. Aaaaaand RELAX 

Relax I hear you laugh - well if your next six weeks are keeping young ones occupied you may. Relaxation isn't all meditating and 'taking time out', it's about doing things that bring you joy and happiness. Relaxing is going to release those beautiful endorphins and who doesn't want some of those. 


Better sleep, optimal hydration and relaxation have many wide-ranging benefits such as an optimised immune system, reduction in stress and improved mood, better brain function (bye bye brain fog), lowered risk of serious health problems...the list goes on!


Reflexes which can provide relief from tension, stress and ensuring positive flow within body - Basically all reflexes but I would pay particular attention to those below to promote relaxation and rebalancing:

Head, Neck, Shoulder, Pituitary, Neck, Adrenals, and Lymphatics...alsoEyes, Nose and Sinuses  (I see you Hayfever sufferers!)

To find out more about how Reflexology can be incorporated into your healing journey drop me an email to find out more. Alternatively book your space to begin, or continue, your journey.

Have a fantastic week and fingers crossed more sunshine is on his way!