Vesta Wellbeing

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Headaches? Migraines? Reflexology is here to help!

Do you know that there are around 10 million people in the UK who suffer from regular headaches?

Did you know that whilst treatment with over the counter painkillers can provide relief, sometimes lifestyle changes can help ease headaches.

Did you know that, for some headaches, the location of pain can indicate the type of headache.

Types of headaches you may have experienced


Tension headaches are the most common form of headache. Symptoms can include constant ache on both sides of the head, pressure behind eyes, tightening of neck muscles, and pressure in head. Women are more commonly affected by tension headaches than men.


Hormonal headaches are caused by a decrease in Oestrogen before menstruation which can lead to headaches (approximately 2 days prior to menstruation and first couple of days – though this can vary from person to person). Other times hormonal headaches may occur can be during perimenopause, during the pill-free week if on OCP, during the first few weeks of pregnancy; when changes occur in hormone levels.

Keeping a headache diary is useful in identifying patterns; particularly when trying to establish if headaches are hormonal.


Migraines occur in one in five women and one in fifteen men. Migraines are usually moderate to severe in pain and generally associated to one side of the head, though can vary in individuals. While no concrete cause some reasons are believed to include chemical changes in the brain, nerves and blood vessels. Migraines are also known to run in families with half of those experiencing them reporting family members also experiencing migraines.

There are two main types of Migraine; With Aura and Without Aura. With Aura Migraine can have pre-warning neurological symptoms such as flashing lights, blind spots and tunnel vision before head pain begins. Without Aura Migraine has no pre-warning neurological symptoms. Less commonly Migraine can present with no headache and neurological symptoms only. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting and light sensitivity; this list is not exhaustive.


Headaches and migraines can become more severe during perimenopause. In menopause migraines may stop but tension headaches can get worse. HRT can vary in relief dependant on the individual.


Lifestyles changes can help ease symptoms, some of these changes can include:

  • Relaxation 

  • Regular Sleep Pattern

  • Adequate Sleep (ensuring that you wake feeling rested)

  • Reduction in Stress (identify source)

  • Posture

  • Relaxation

  • Regular Movement / Exercise

  • Hydration

  • Regular Meals with small frequent snacks (hormonal headaches mainly)


Reflexology is known to provide relief for headaches and migraines. When preparing a treatment plan I look at you from a holistic point of view, taking into account the causes, triggers and frequency of your headaches or migraines. 

To create a treatment which will provide the most benefit to you I may ask the following questions:

How long have you experienced these headaches/migraines?

How often do they occur?

Do they have a pattern?

What is the severity?

Where is the pain location?

Does anything exacerbate or relieve the pain?

Have you consulted a doctor / been diagnosed by GP?

Reflexes that I will likely work which can provide relief:

Head, neck and shoulder – for relaxation

Pituitary – good for hormone headaches but all with benefit

Neck – good for tension headaches, or all treatments as relieves tension

Head – for relaxation

TMJ and Temporalis – TMJ headaches as well as relaxation and reducing tension

Sinuses – Ease congestion

Eye – Ease tension in eye area

Shoulder – Release tension and provide relaxation

Trapezius – Release tension and provide relaxation

Adrenal – Promotes corticosteroids and oestrogen

Ovary – Good for hormonal headaches as aids rebalance

Cervical and Thoracic Spine - Release tension and provide relaxation

To find out more about how Reflexology can be incorporated into your healing journey drop me an email to find out more. 

Have a fantastic weekend and fingers crossed the sunshine is on his way!