Vesta Wellbeing

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Tightening things up…

Hey how are you? REALLY, how are you?

It’s safe to say that I’ve been absent from blog posts of late, it’s something I am absolutely aware of.


The reason; not wanting to overload you? not wanting to upset you? not wanting to be the extra thing you didn’t read? Or at least that’s what I told myself!


The reality is I genuinely didn’t know what to say.


BUT all those points are true - I don’t want to overwhelm you, but in doing that I’m not giving you what you signed up to. You signed up to be the first to know about how I can help YOU, and how we can work together to support YOU.


So, I am tightening things up.


Tightening up what I offer YOU. Tightening up where YOU can work with me. Tightening up on being there for YOU.


And I’m going to be honest, it feels so good. It feels good to have direction, a goal, a strategy, something to work towards.


Can you remember the last time you set yourself a goal and how excited you felt to be working towards something?


The facts; goals are fantastic but sometimes, a lot of the time, we need some support and encouragement along the way. I know I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for those in my life who encouraged and supported me to keep going (and the occasional reminder to take each day one at a time). Goals and strategy are fantastic as they help us move forward in life, show us growth and improvements, which brings about a positive mindset, EVEN when times feel tough – who doesn’t want some of that!


This can look like many different things to many different people but what it can be is looking after YOU; your mind and your body. The options are endless and I’m not here to overwhelm you with what you could do. But I CAN help you get the best from your body and a feeling ease in your body.


Final thought, and yes, it’s cliché but true: do something today that your 70/80/90 (hell yes 90!) year old body will thank you for!


Take care of yourself and be the amazing human that you are!


Laura x


If you need direction, strategy, a goal, in getting the best out of your body, not just today but investing in longevity for your body then I’d encourage you to book into my confidence programme - I’m positive it’s what you are looking for. Most importantly if you want to regain confidence in your body and gain relief/reduction of symptoms you're experiencing then this is absolutely for you. Book in a zoom/phone call to find out more.


Upcoming things to note



Life doesn’t always have to be go, go, go – do you need to take a minute to pause and breathe? then book yourself in for some rebalance and restorative Reflexology. I have released some extra dates in Roslin throughout June – click here to get up to date availability (ps there may be some Friday availability coming soon!!!).


Pilates is back!!!

Free on a Friday morning? Fancy a nice challenge to kick your weekend off? I’m SO excited to share that I am starting a new Pilates class on Friday mornings in the serene Glencorse Centre, Auchendinny – click here to secure your space